Preschool Gymnastics

GYM BABIES (6m-18m)

Get a head start on learning, activity, and FUN! You and your baby will love playing and bonding in our active Gym Babies class. Your baby will practice grasping and reaching, visual tracking, and experience a wide variety of sensory input including music, colours, textures, and bubbles. Together, you and your baby will practice gentle stretching and movement, and safely explore different surfaces and environments around our specialized gym area. You will be amazed to watch your baby learn and develop with a smile on their face. 

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GYM TOTS (18m-3y) 

Your toddler will love exploring and learning in our Parent and Tot classes. We help your early walkers and little movers to improve their hand-eye coordination, gross motor development, balance, and so much more. Gym Tots will practice walking on beam, hanging on bars, jumping on our tiny trampoline, and moving in every direction. With the help of caring coaches and parents, tots will start to learn and remember instructions, identify colours and shapes, and practice vital skills like listening, taking turns, and making friends. 


GYM KIDS (3y-4y)

Gym Kids are ready and raring to go! Your little one is ready to participate while you watch from the comfort of the viewing area, and they will love jumping, climbing, running, and rolling through class. Gym Kids are starting to learn mini cartwheels and handstands, and lots of rolls, doing wonders for their gross motor skills and spatial awareness. Your gymnast will practice swinging and rolling forwards over the bar, moving in all directions on the beam, and learning shape jumps on the small trampoline. Gym Kids classes are fantastic for school readiness, encouraging gymnasts to follow instructions and remember routine, take turns and cooperate with peers, and much more. 

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Call: 905-819-9042


Visit: 6991 Millcreek Dr Unit 8 Mississauga ON L5N 6B9

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